Home Fashion How Berlin Is Leading the Way in Fash-Tech

How Berlin Is Leading the Way in Fash-Tech

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Fashion-tech explores the convergence of fashion and technology, as startups and designers work together to hack fashion. The versatile platform explores the interdisciplinary approach to fashion and offers a range of streamlined beautified products. From wearables to smart textiles, fashion-tech is the future of fashion. As one of Europe’s leading startup hubs, Berlin continues to create a platform and conversation around the fash-tech space, bringing creatives and experts together during Fashion Week.

The world’s leading fash-tech conference

Since 2015 Berlin has hosted the world’s leading fashion-technology conference, #Fashiontech Berlin, held twice a year during Fashion Week. Hosted by Premium Group, the event brings forward-thinkers, creators, experts and fashion enthusiasts together to discuss the digitisation of the fashion industry. The event offers workshops panels and exclusive keynote presentations, giving industry professionals the opportunity to learn, grow and be inspired. One of the first, Berlin’s fashion-tech conference is at the forefront of shaping and growing the fashion-technology industry and its inspiring influence can be felt by the startups and designers finding their footing in the city.

Innovation hub

Berlin has quickly become a hub for innovation and startups in Europe. The city is bursting with innovative young companies, excellent research facilities and an agile, international startup culture that is quickly helping Berlin’s stylish techies create competitive and groundbreaking fash-tech startups. Fusing fashion and tech, Berlin-based ElecktroCouture is creating ethereal, smart designs, using LED lights to create glowing jackets, coats that connect to SIM cards and laser-cut, LED-lit accessories. Similarly, VOJD studios are using innovative technology to create amazing fashion. Co-founder Christian Hartung says the studio is taking advantage of the fact that Germany is a world leader in 3D-printing to make their unique jewellery. Making luxury, high-end designs, the studio is a fast growing company, with a strong focus on the future of fashion. Offering truly unique designs these Berlin powerhouses are just some of many fash-tech startups taking the industry by storm.

The future of fashion

Moving forward, fashion and technology will become increasingly interchangeable disciplines. Whether it’s finding better ways to make textiles, produce goods and distribute apparel, or progressing the creative, design elements of making outstanding avant-garde fashion, the role technology is playing will only intensify. Meanwhile, Berlin continues to create hackathons, conferences and space to invest into and grow the innovative fash-tech industry that is quickly shaping the future of fashion.

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